Most people’s mornings consist of hitting the snooze button several times, dragging themselves out of bed, and rushing out the door so that they won’t be late for work. In contrast, successful people know that mornings are a crucial part of their day. Thus, they carefully choose what they do with their time, before their workday gets underway. You see, when you start your day right and cultivate effective habits that help you organize and focus, it has a positive effect on the rest of your day. Here are the everyday morning habits of successful people which you too can start practicing! Number 1 - Get Up Early If you are not a morning person, you should consider becoming one! One thing that most successful people know is that time is valuable. The more time they can squeeze out of their day, the better. Ninety percent of executives say that they get up before 6 a.m.; and fifty percent of self-made millionaires claim that they wakeup three hours before their workday actually begins...
if you would ask my friends were gonna watch movies with me to tell you one thing sixty percent of the time I walk out of the movie I literally get up and walk out a movieI don't know anyone that walks out of movies more than I do because I don't like to waste my time watching a movie without a point. 1.Godfather Number one I don't think there's a movie that's going to teach you more about leadership entrepreneurship running the shop running a business deal with conflicts dealing with enemies dealing with competitors than Godfather I just don't think there's any of it more than that and there's a lot of stories and you know one is differentand two and three and everybody says one is the best or something like - I don't think too many people say three is the best but it's typically what is typically I would say first one right and and you you see what happens who comes into power and he didn't wanted he fought it so much I don't want to be...