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10 Success Principle You Should Master TODAY


The first principle of success, gentlemen, is for you to have the courage to make up your own mind in a world that wants to make it up for you, that wants to point you in the direction society wants to say, hey, go do this, it’s popular. You need to have the courage to say, you know what? That’s not what I want to do. I want to go down this path. I want to blaze my own trail. But, you’ve got to have the courage, gentlemen,to stick to your guns to be able to say, you know what? I know what I stand for. I know what I want to achieve in life andI’m going to go in this direction. So, have you ever really answered the question, what do you want out of life? Not what your parents want, not what your friends want, what do you truly want out of this one life that you’ve got. This is a difficult question. I’m not saying you can get an answer right now, but you should sit down, you should think about this with no distractions and actually think, okay, what do I want or really make me happy? Not just happiness, but makes you satisfied,something that you’re going to be content going after day after day and doing and something that’s going to give purpose and meaning to your life.


 you need to determine what is true. A truth, this is something that you just accept,something that you believe without question. The point of this principle is for you to be careful when you’re basing a series of actions and decisions off of something that you assume to be a truth that you’ve actually never questioned because it could be that you’re building everything on a foundation which is set to fail. All right, gentlemen. So, I got to be honest, I stole all the success tips in today’s video from Ray Dalio. He’s a billionaire. He wrote this amazing book, Principles: Life and Work.


The next success principle is you need to be radically open-minded especially to the fact that you could be wrong. We’re oftentimes over confident in our ability to make the right decision and it’s tough to swallow your pride and to listen to other people. You need to have the courage to let others challenge your decision-making process and even challenge it yourself, try to poke holes in your own decision-making process so that you can come to the right decision. 

4.Radical Transparency

Now, this next success principle builds off that last one and that is for you to have radical transparency. And this is where you’re open with how you’re making the decisions that you are making. You sharing the information the data or being very clear this is based off of a hunch my experience my opinion. When you can be radically transparent with the information not only to others, but to yourself, all of a sudden you’re going to be able to go in there and make better decisions which is going to lead to higher levels of success.


The next principle of success, keep your emotions in check. So, the biggest threat to good decision-making,it’s the harmful emotions we naturally feel as human beings when we’re put in a tough situation. Anger, fear, frustration, all of these things when they take a hold of us, all of a sudden our vision narrows. The key point I want to make here is you need to be very careful when you’re making an emotionally-driven decision. Try to take a step back, breathe, get a better picture and if possible bring in other people and be transparent with the information you have so that you can come to a better decision. 


The next success principle, become a hyperrealist. A hyper realist looks around at the world and they understand what the situation is. They accept reality for what it is. The problem is that most people are living in La La Land. You need to have a plan. You need to be able to go out there and see,okay, this is the world as it is, it’s not fair, it’s tough, and it’s something that’s going to be painful. There’s also people out there that want to help you. There are people out there that want to see you succeed that will support you if you ask for them and if you put in the work.


The next success principle, prioritize. You can have anything you want in this life,but you can’t have everything. What does that mean? It means if you laser-focused and you know exactly what you want to go after, you’re going to give up a lot of things. You may spend twenty years going after that. You gave up a lot of time and you’ve got to realize that there are only so many things that you can go out there and get in your life before you run out of time. But, you want to make sure you’re going after and you prioritize what is truly important to you.


The next success principle, understand that people are wired very, very differently than you are because we look at the world from our own point of view and we assume that other people are like us that they think like us that they make logical decisions like us. Believe me, when you get married or in a relationship,you’re going to find out half of the world’s population thinks very, very differently. And when it goes beyond that because most guys actually have different, they got different values, they’ve got different truths that they accept. And when you accept that reality, all of a sudden you’re able to put the right people in the right positions. You’re able to partner with people who have strengths where you have a weakness and this is a great thing. So, use this to your advantage that we are different and don’t hold that against people that they just believe a different way than you do. 


The next success principle, gentlemen, is to accept that pain is part of the process. If you’ve ever been to the gym, you know it there and it supplies to other parts in your life. So, if you want to learn something new like a new language, you want to learn a new skill, it’s going to be tough. You’re going to fail, you’re going togo through the suck period, but this is learning, gentlemen, this is growing. And when you go through it, guys, this is when you’re going to start to succeed. 

10.Go step by step

The next success principle is you need to have a process. You need to have a step-by-step path that you consistently apply that you can measure and that even on the tough days, the days that you don’t want to go through the process, it’s there for you. You don’t have to think, you put your head down and you get it done. Now, Ray Dalio had a process. His was step one, have a clear goal. Step two, identifying don’t tolerate problems. Step three, diagnose problems to get to the root causes. Step four, design a plan. Step five, push through to completion.


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