what it means to be a successful man what it means to be a man in today's society I've narrowed it down to the eight best answers a skill sets that I think every man needs to develop if he wants to call himself a man in today's society those eight skill sets the beauty of atom is that you don't need to be an expert you don't need to be a master Idon't have them all figured out you don't have them all figured out there's no person out there that has also eight of these figured out but if you work on these things if you work on these eight skill sets and you're constantly trying to improve which is what I think is a measure of man somebody who's constantly trying to improve then I believe you have the right to call yourself a man.
The very first skill set that I've identified is relationships now these aren't any particular order but I do believe that relationships could be arguably the number one skill set that you needed to develop now it could be a relationship with a higher power it could be a relationship with your family it could be a relationship with friends and colleagues but there's no man out there who achieved any levels of success without some help along the way now I do realize that there are some outliers who maybe accomplish certain things or have done big things when they've hold themselves up in a corner but for the most of us 99% of the guys out there we're going to need some help we're going to need some assistant we're going to need a team to help us to accomplish the things that we want to do and at that point it's a matter of how you're able to develop relationships to help you succeed but then also to help those people in your life succeed and accomplish what it is that they want to accomplish.
The next skill set is intellect we have to be smart we have to study we have to continue to learn but skill set this skill set is particularly hard because it takes time it takes energy it takes humility which I know as a man is not my strong point but you've got to be humble enough to realize that you don't know it all I don't know it all but somebody out there does and we can learn whatever it is we want to learn and it's right in the palm of our hand literally with our cell phones to be able to access the information that we want access we cannot use ignorant as an excuse to be mediocre but I think with guys that happens all the time we didn't know that was going to happen or we didn't know that is not an excuse you should know and if you want to call yourself a man you've got to figure it out.
The next skill set is leadership at some point in your life you will be called if you have not already to a leadership position now it could be leadership in your church it could leadership in your family it could be leadership in the community it could be at your job it could be wherever but at some point you are going to be called upon as a leader and one of the primary functions of a man is to lead is to lead his family and lead his tribe and so at that point when you're called upon to be a leader it's really going to come down to you and what you know how to lead people how do you connect with people and how you're able to lead them out of a situation into a place that they could not have imagined going on their own.
4.Manly Skills
The next skill set is manly skills now when I say manly skills what comes to mind for me it's being able to change the rail on a car its shape its sharpening your knife it's throwing a baseball all of those things but it's more than that being a man and having this skillset done which is manly skills is about resourcefulness the prime example that I always use is MacGyverhow he could take a match and a shoestring and get himself out of any situation at some point you will be in a situation again if you have not already where you will need to look around and utilize the resources that are available within your reach to help you get out of a sticky situation or to get you to where you want to be and your measure of resourcefulness and your ability to be good with manly skills and figure things out on the fly is going to determine your level of success when it comes to that for example I do a lot of things around the house three four five six years ago I would not have been able to figure them out in fact I probably created more of a mess trying to figure it out than I did trying to fix it or just leave it alone but I get better and that's what it's all about developing manly skills chopping wood throwing a baseball changing the oil on your car doing a tune-up on the truck whatever it may be you need to learn to pick up the tools to use those tools those are the things that are there to help us be men.
5.Money Management
now the very next skill set I want to talk about is one that hits close to home and that is that of money I'm a financial adviser by trade and it's amazing to me to see how many people don't have their money situation under control and to be successful to be the man that you can be you've got to have your money under control you need to know how to pay off debt you need to be out of debt you need to be saving money you need to be doing all of those things with your money in your career in your business your finance in your house in order to be successful we've been given this money whatever level of wealth you're at right now you were aStewart over that if you want more wealth in your life to accomplish the things you want to accomplish you've got to be better with your money and as soon as you find out how to be better with your money more money will start coming into you it's a natural principle.
6.Physical Fitness
The next skill set is physical fitness this one is tough a year and a half two years ago I weighed 50 pounds more than what I weigh today and I was miserable I was out of shape Iwas lazy I was tired I was whatever I was a slob and once I started working out once I started eating better everything changed around not just my physical appearance but my relationships with my kids my relationship with my wife my love life my business you name it everything improved when I started to become more physically fit now one of the primary functions as a man is that of protection and you will not be able to serve or to live up to that full measure of protection or being able to provide or protect for your family if you are not physically fit or at least working on getting more fit and that comes down to eating better eliminating the sugars exercising and doing all those things that you can you already know what to do now it's just a matter of taking action and implementing those things.
The next skill set is selfmastery it's all about the mind whatever you think is what's going to happen you cannot take out anything out of life that you already haven't put into life and what I mean by that is that if you're filling your mind with garbagewhether it's pornography or it doesn't matter what it is if garbage is goinginto your mind the only result is going to be garbage but if you want success inyour life you've got to have the right things going into your head you've gotto have the right mindset moving forward so that you can succeed and you can do the things that you want to do.
8.Style And Fashion
The very last topic that I want to talk about the skill set is that of style and fashion and I know a lot of guys me included maybe even just six months ago would have rolled their eyes if I would have told you that style and fashion is all about being manly most people don't believe it is but what real men realize is that they can use their appearance they can use their style they can use their fashion as a construction worker may use a hammer to build a house if you can learn to use fashion and style as a tool to help you get what you want to then you will be able to accomplish more I'll give you a prime example if you have a guy going in to do an interview and he's dressed extremely well and he looks professional he looks sharp he is so much more likelihood of getting that position that he wants now on the other hand we've all been out we've all seen slobs and we've all seen guys wandering around in shorts and flip-flops and beat-up shorts and ragged shirts and what do you think about that person first impression whether it's fair or not it's legitimate so we've got to use our style and fashion to our advantage and be able to do the things that we want to do.
if i miss something or if you agree or if you disagree with what I've said here please leave a comment in the section below let me know what I missed let me know what you agree with let me know what else is out there and what you think it takes to be a man in today's society.
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