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8 Movies Every Men Should Watch.

if you would ask my friends were gonna watch movies with me to tell you one thing sixty percent of the time I walk out of the movie I literally get up and walk out a movieI don't know anyone that walks out of movies more than I do because I don't like to waste my time watching a movie without a point.


Number one I don't think there's a movie that's going to teach you more about leadership entrepreneurship running the shop running a business deal with conflicts dealing with enemies dealing with competitors than Godfather I just don't think there's any of it more than that and there's a lot of stories and you know one is differentand two and three and everybody says one is the best or something like - I don't think too many people say three is the best but it's typically what is typically I would say first one right and and you you see what happens who comes into power and he didn't wanted he fought it so much I don't want to be this I don't want to live this life I don't want to be this and pull some happens to his dad and he takes it over and he becomes three becomes any becomes better than his dad and his respect and his brothers didn't seem as that and add the fat battle with the brothers and you know the other scene with Andy Garciacoming up and and he becomes three becomes and I'm just a big fan of andygarcia it's just a very good movie Godfather isa very good movie you learn a lot of different lessons and godfathers you know it's a very very good movie forany entrepreneur to watch so i put that at the top of my list and it's very hard to beat that movie.

 2. House of cards 

It is not a movie it's a show it's a series i've never ever in my life I've never I've never in my life ever watched any show from the beginning to the end. it teaches you the darker side of politics on what happens in politics but there's a part of it that also has to do with business because in business there's a lot of negotiations there's alot of things that happens behind closed doors that you know on the front end everything looks great oh my gosh so good we're doing so well behind closed doors I am I am fights all this crazy stuff that happens power plays that people try to pin youin a corner and they try to do this and all this other stuff I think there's alot good to be alone there's a lot of darker things in india in the house ofcards said that doesn't necessarily happen that dark and business it doesn't get bigger but not necessarily as you're trying to get two million bucks or two million bucks but I think there's a lot to be learned from house of cards when you watch it so that's number two.


let me tell you why I put number 3 as good fellows with Ray Liotta and the nero and Pesci one of the things about Goodfellas is knowing that you know sometimes someone could turn on you and don't let you change your values and principles on what you believe in stick to your values and principles but no and study people's trends on how people's trends are will typically trust trends a lot of people coming from the papalyour son have changed i want to do this on the most loyal person i'm gonna be with I trust trends more than I do words is what I do so if you've got a friend or you got a partner you got somebody that's close with you that there's trends of too many things that just seems like a little bit of shyster little bit of a little bit of that this guy could turn on me you need a little bit of paranoia with that there are certain people like seven different bad things happen every time to scroll or disguise my back these are solid trends I don't really worry about anything happening there but this guy's got way too many trends sometimes you need a little bit ofparanoia with certain people not everybody but certain people you need totrust your gut and your intuition as you're building business that's what Goodfellas tells me.

4. Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of happiness is with will smith and his so right and a lot of pursuit of happiness because pursuit of happiness a great story are Brax to riches you know you can go up there and wrecks to riches and the one thing I love most obviously he worked at morgan standing with her Chris Gardner I actually can we put a picture of Chris Gardner night atone event uh you know gentleman asked me to hostit i think i hosted the event and I brought up Chris Gardner and it was great introducing them and getting a chance to speak to him and he ran a story because he's a Morgan standing with God the things i love about grip the movie pursuit of happiness 'as a single father who made it happen with no excuses but most importantly is the efficiency of his time when he was making cold calls i did call calling for a long time with my business and it was knowing that the most important skill set you gotta run as an entrepreneur is selling and hustling if you're not selling and hustling from five thirty in the morning till ten o'clock 11 o'clock at night did you gonna you're not it's you just decreasing your chance of making it there's a certain level of a hustle that the entrepreneurs got to have and he took it to the highest level and you know the story of what happens with him and business all that other stuff and now they do a movie about some pretty phenomenal story so i reckon pursuit of happiness that touches on a lot of different things.


It is a movie i'll probably watch the most times in my life because when I was in the Army we probably watch this movie two hundred times and most people haven't seen this movie and some people will say is Tom Cruise worst movie of all time and it's called cocktails cocktails to me was phenomenal i mean i've seen cocktails I don't know how many times we've comeback from boot camp will not boot can we come back from work from the motor pool we hit the gym Estep at fort campbell kentucky hundreds airborne division would come back put on a movie what you want to watch cocktails or roadhouse but typically cocktails one and we watch cocktails and the great thing about cocktails is here's a guy was a bartender was a dreamer ok was a dreamer and events he's always reading books always reading books always and this other guy who plays sowell my gosh she's such a great actor who is constant look at him there's this one scene where he spied him in jamaica and the other guy the bartender's partner who takes a girl away from him is at the bar and he's not with a richgirl which is what both that I wanted to do and Tom Cruise the character date agirl who he falls in love with but decides to leave her for another rich because you wanted to marry into a rich girl but he didn't realize that that girl is richer than any of these other girls and it's a very very good story of a guy that went from nothing and at the end he starts his bar i think the cocktails and dreams or something like that and just a lot of great lines it's a very emotional movie on the fact that it becoming an entrepreneur is not about being a billionaire son of a celebrity status it's not about you know having the cars i mean i bought a Ferrari because i truly love Enzo's mind I'm a visionary product today my wife and I were seen having lunch at ph and we're debating over kid their kids name our daughters do today today baby is due today she's 40 weeks today my wife any point Ican get a text or call and I gotta run off and go to the hospital with her and we're seeing that we're going through names for babies and she's telling me how you know this name I want to stay because at this name you know that person was this and that presented this and i'm saying I want this one because this person do this on a story behind it I mean I respect and so for what he designed i want to Italy to his headquarters in a three-time ferrari world champion drop me in the ferrari 458 italia and I 167 miles an hour andrain and a two-lane highway and maranello and i said i want this thing but entrepreneurship is not about wanting that thing it's not just about the Ferrari or fifty thousand dollar watch are living in a multi-million dollar has 10,000 that's fine but the story of an entrepreneur is a guy that just says man i want to build my business I want control I want happiness I want to make money i want to build my own identity I want to free this what I want to do and they do it and that's the story of cocktails it's a very you don't have to be a billionaire to be identified as an entrepreneur you could simply run a bar that everybody in the community comes to friday saturday there's the same people that come because you do such a great job and you make one twenty year but it's a restaurant the community knows about that's what cocktails about love that movie.


number six is casino and one of the things about casino is is important when you watch the casino is knowing you know which bridges to burn and which bridges not to burn casino is also about knowingthat someone who was once your enemy could now end up being your biggest ally and somebody who was your biggest friend can now be end up becoming your biggest enemy it also teaches you how to cross you not to cross it teaches you to know that if you keep consistency and build a credit in the streets or in business of delivering and being a leader you will generally be fine if you're the guy that delivers on your promises and if you don't arm eventually no one trusts you and you end up being alone hence you know how the movie ends this is also Pesci movie and it's alsoDe Niro movie see how the movie ends and the Nero was a guy that was probably the most stand-up guy and he kept building and somebody else wanted it faster wanted to power all this other stuff it also talks about choosing the right spouse choosing the right partner you need somebody new corner and being a little bit more diligent about that than just a fun part sharon stone I think there's a lot of great messages and casino that anybody can pick up as an entrepreneur.


number nine story is rocky number nine movie to me is rocky preferably for me is rocky for but some like one two three I mean I like 4i think five was also good with Tommy Morrison six was the sense this most recent was kinda weird with Creed but you know you watch rocky for it's a different story than youwatch rocky one rocky one shows when you coming up and you're hungry and you're going to the pie you want to find a girl as well you find a gentle friend you gonna fight that no one's expecting you do anything to draw an Iraqi to comes and a 3 you going facing someone like mr. T you know mr. tcoming in a clubber lang and all this other stuff he's doing and you know he calls your wife out and you you I'm a better man a drink if you just fireright in a rocky for comes if you made it and now you have so much money so muchcar so much and then you're afraid of losing it you're afraid of losing it's no longer about the game of boxing it's no longer about the fight is no longer about just what you love to be completely forgot about the fact that you don't you love the game now it's all about the money you forgot about the fact that everything you did was the you know the the the South Parkcoming no one's expecting he's a fighter you can knock them out he's got a strong job and in age and I'm afraid what you afraid of I'm afraid I'm afraid but ican't be afraid you know everyone's afraid not be I'm afraid and then that whole scene by the water by that you know by the beach look at this and he takes training seriously the rival kills his friend Apollo Creed he comes here to see where his up the staircase and his wife's all the way at the top and she's looking down and you know someone you know and understand anything is like you can you want to die and he looks at us like my life doesn't believe in me and he leaves it gets in a car i think the Black Lotus I think it's a black lotus and then home he's driving and there's the scenes of it's just like free membrane his friend Paolo how we first came up and met these are moments that happened to me and it happens on how many late-night drives have I had or have you had with you just like over you doing this thing for from the beginning why and then you're thinking we had nothing we had nothing going on and all of a sudden why the hell are you taking it for granted cherish what you build bring that hunger factor back now what happened dig deep what is the next thing you're gonna fight for that's Rocky for you Rocky is any anytime bone some happens right.

8.A Social Network 

Many of you have probably why social networks i may put it a little bit higher than - social network or tail tells a very very good story of Mark Zuckerberg who builds facebook and when you're building facebook what things they went through you know a college kid 18 years old if you put your minds together what you're capable of building but it also talks about the darker side ideas being stolen somebody takes it away from you it was somebody else's how do you protect the idea can you ever protect your ideas someone can take it and make it better than you what do you do with that do you needNDA's do you need NCS then when they interviewed Zuckerberg and they said hey what did you think about the movie you know what is best comeback was said you know the movie shoulders party a lot more than we work as i remember party that much I remember working a lot I remember working a lot another thing about the movie of a social network that's very important Zuckerberg was not the visionary October was a technician he was the product guy but he was a visionary then showed up our sean parker sean parker is the guy that started Napster Sean Parker comes and he says this is not a million-dollar opportunity this is a billion-dollar opportunity and mark didn't see that and then all of a sense to get this could be a billion opportunity then both Facebook becomes what it is today being worth 200 200 300 billion dollars company.


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