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9 AMAZING Books ALL Successful Men Should Read.

9 AMAZING Books You've NOT Read! Books ALL Successful Men Should Read . One book can change your life, guys, and I’m about to give you the list of Nine. Are you ready? Let’s get into it. 

1.Power of Moments

We’ve got the Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath. These two researchers who happen to be brothers, they put out some other amazing books, but the Power of Moments is their latest and I think one of their best books because it explains how you can create amazing moments in your life.And your life, you think about it, your life is to find by bad moments by good moments by moments that usually back and you remember them. And the idea is we can create more moments that we’re going to remember. And they teach you a framework to actually do this successfully.They used some great examples, but I love the idea that you can create more defining good moments in your life. 

2. Rejection proof

we’ve got Rejection Proof by JiaJiang. Really cool guy and I love his story. He’s a Chinese immigrant. Came into the United States with huge dreams, but he immediately ran into problems and roadblocks. That exchange family that he’s staying with, they stole his money and they put it – he was sleeping in the bed of a murderer. He ends up speaking, yes, that’s all in the book. He runs into rejection,he runs into problem, he runs into all these barriers and what he realizes is it’s just a matter of picking yourself back up. I’ve talked about this, guys, it’s not how many times you fall, it’s how many times you pick yourself back up. But, most people don’t – they give up way too early and that’s what this book is going to help you overcome. 

3. Measures What Matters

I’ve got Measure What Matters byJohn Doerr. Ever heard of John Doerr? Most people haven’t. Guys, he’s an original investor in Google early days and this guy backed Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and he’s a billionaire. Very few of us actually measure things when we’re trying to grow business or we’re trying to improve our personal life. And those of us that do measure things were often times measuring the wrong thing. In this book, he helps you identify exactly what to measure and how it’s going to lead to a huge return on investments.

4.Lessons from My Coach

I’ve got Lessons from My Coach by Amir Karkouti. And, don’t be deceived by this one, it’s a relatively short listen, but it has some amazing insights. But forme, one of my – not to spoil everything, but it’s to slow down. And they make a very– they make some great examples in this book of how when slowing down and actually looking it, okay, what is the core problem, what is the real issue here. You could – you can just have some amazing breakthroughs.

5.Younger Next Year

I’ve got Younger Next Year with Christopher Crowley. Now, I really love the subtitle here, it’s Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy Until You’re 80 and Beyond. This book is amazing because what – what it shows is that I plan on living I don’t about you, guys, to 100, 110. And if I’m going to live that long, I don’t want those last years for me to be mobile in a wheelchair or something,I want to be out moving around. And if you’re 25 and you’re thinking now my best year is when I was 18 because I was in better shape I wasn’t – I didn’t have this extra 20, 30 lbs. No, what are you talking about? You’ve got another 75 years in front of you. And this book helps you get on the path to looking forward and to taking care of your body. 

6.Power of Body Language

The Power of Body Language by JoeNavarro. And this guy very interesting was in the FBI would actually go in the meetings and study people and look at, you know, figure things out. Then, he started actually working in the private sector. He just got these great stories.He actually has worked a lot with people in the poker industry, so he goes out to Vegas and he can decode who’s kind have got a good hand who’s bluffing. Little things like that I think that you can apply when you’re out and you’re meeting with people. You’re talking with that woman and you’re wondering really is she just paying me lip service here or does she actually like me.You can look at their feet, you can look at his placement of the shoulders. He talks about this and gets into a great detail in the book. Really cook book, highly recommended.

7.Born a Crime

I’ve got Born a Crime, stories of a South African childhood by Trevor Noah.This is not a business book, but this a book about life, this is a book about overcoming difficulty, this is a book about triumph, this is a book about engaging with other human beings. And I love it when I can find a book that is just so enjoyable to listen to. He’s got so many stories which I took and I thought I could apply them to my company to my business,I can apply them to raising my kids better having more empathy for my fellow human being.Just a great book that I – I learned a lot from and I highly recommend.

8.Thinking in Bets

we’ve got Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke. And this is about making better decisions by approaching the decision-making process as you would gambling. So, this is somethingI’ve never thought – I’ve never thought it out approach, but every time you do make a decision, it is like making a gamble. It’s like taking a bet because you’ve got to set them out that you are risking on this and there’s a good chance that you will be wrong, there’s also a great chance hopefully if you’re good at decision-making that you will be right. So, very interesting the way she approaches this and I learned a lot from this book. 


I’ve got Essentialism by Greg McKeown.I love this book. I’ve listened to it probably ten times in the last year because for me this book is almost like a shower. So many times we allow the non-essential into our life and, yes, you can clear it out, but it’s going to come right back it’s going to creep it's way in and you need to take inventory of your life and cut off the non-essential,focus in on what really matters. And you need books like these as a reminder as – ones that you can just go back to and fell refreshed go through clear house. Amazing book, Essentialism.


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