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Showing posts from June, 2020

8 Skill Sets That I Think Every Man Needs To Develop If He Wants To Call Himself a Successful Man.

what it means to be a successful man what it means to be a man in today's society I've narrowed it down to the eight best answers a skill sets that I think every man needs to develop if he wants to call himself a man in today's society those eight skill sets the beauty of atom is that you don't need to be an expert you don't need to be a master Idon't have them all figured out you don't have them all figured out there's no person out there that has also eight of these figured out but if you work on these things if you work on these eight skill sets and you're constantly trying to improve which is what I think is a measure of man somebody who's constantly trying to improve then I believe you have the right to call yourself a man. 1.Relationship The very first skill set that I've identified is relationships now these aren't any particular order but I do believe that relationships could be arguably the number one skill set that you needed to...